GC Blog

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Old Testament and other such things...

So the plan is to read the ENTIRE Old Testament by July 31st! That's 3 books a week. I plan on starting in the beginning and going from there. We can do it, no problem.

On June 10th starting around 3 pm we are having the first BEACH DAY/ BONFIRE! It will be at La Jolla Shores. Let your friends know now. It's going to be so much fun. We will have burgers and hot dogs (kosher) and chips and other totally nutrition deficient foods there!

The word of the week: Ps. 119. You have to love the Word. David waxes eloquently all throughout the Psalms about the Word of God (precepts, commandments, law, testimonies, etc.) but nowhere near the eloquence found in Psalm 119. In verses, 154, 156, and 159 David asks God to Revive him according to God's word, judgments and lovingkindness. What a great and awesome petition! Revive my spirit, my mind, my desire, my whatever...according to Your word. And according to Your judgments. And according to Your lovingkindness.

My prayer is that this week you would be Revived. As we embark on a Bible reading journey you will be revived, empowered, filled with faith, strengthened, and changed. This is a great time to be a part of GC as we truly are Leading the Way, Speaking the Truth and Living Life!

See you Thursday night and BRING A FRIEND! We are called to tell all the nations. No one can stop the purposes of God in San Diego!



  • GC was really good last night. It was great to see some people back that have not been in a long time.
    Best of all, God was there. Worship was amazing. Everyone on earth should have a chance to experience the reality of God like that.
    I guess that is why we do what we do... so that everyone on earth can have that chance, starting right here in San Diego.
    Good deal.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 PM, May 13, 2005  

  • I concur with Allene's words! My friend Gina was in town on vacation with her family and she came with me on Thursday night. She loved it and found our church to be refreshing and alive. Glory to God on high, yo!

    By Blogger joy, at 10:23 AM, May 14, 2005  

  • hey casey bombacie,
    This is Memphis... Jon's little sis.. I hear you are the new youth pastor! Congrats to you and Paige! How is your baby? Did you have a boy or girl? well i hope to hear from you soon!...

    By Blogger Christine, at 9:14 AM, May 18, 2005  

  • I'm so glad that, at your beach night, the hot dogs are going to be kosher. Now, just make sure someone brings some gefilte fish, and I am SO there.

    By Blogger Jon A. Owens, at 11:50 AM, May 18, 2005  

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