That Dating Game Dude
So for those of you that thought I was just making up that story about the original dating game dude. Here's his picture to prove it. Ha! What a face. Check out that hair, sculpted by the LA's best hairstylist (for the 70s). Anyway, this is another reason not to date. You will end up looking like that guy.
In all seriousness, at GC we want to let you know that we are going to change this generation. Each and every one of us. We have a calling and a great destiny in God. Purity, however, is the vehicle that will help us attain that calling. Our prayer and exhortation this week is to remain in His presence. Walk in the Spirit! Purity will bring you into your destiny. Choose today to serve the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart. There is nothing better than His Presence!
Have a great weekend.
See you next Thursday. 150 by 6/30.
hey pastor casey! thought i'd be cool and comment (this is aubrey by the way, dont be fooled by the anonymous post) i really look up to you and i'm so thankful and overjoyed to attend a youth group like gc. it turned my life around. ask donna! she knew me before i started to come. anyways, you're an amazing pastor and i always look forward to your sermons every thursday. peace out snoop dizzle.
By Anonymous, at 1:32 PM, June 24, 2005
Pastor Casey, thank you for the wisdom and support that you are giving to me so willingly. Both you and Pastor Paige are truly a blessing in my life... i love you both!----- Laura O.
By Anonymous, at 3:35 PM, June 24, 2005
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to prove that the Dating Game guy is real (and I use the term "real" vaguely). I've heard that the flawless combover look can be recreated using a solution of one part hair to seven parts Aquanet brand hairspray.
But it has to be the fuschia can, not the teal can. Fuschia is the new teal.
By Anonymous, at 4:43 PM, June 24, 2005
Just to let everyone know, I will reveal the previous mysterious "anonymous" little comment... I belevie that was NICOLE CORPUZ. Only she would know about the new pink.
By Al, at 11:16 PM, June 24, 2005
i think you need to buy a wig that looks like that dude's hair and wear it this coming thursday as a visual of the dating game. That's just my professional opinion though. This series is awesome. Thank you for being so faithful.
By Anonymous, at 2:59 PM, June 27, 2005
I must agree with Al. That has to be NICOLE CORPUZ. We must talk about the new pink and new black about every time we hang out...which is about everyday. But honestly, what's up with Fuschia? I thought you said PURPLE is the new everything. o well. anyway im fine with fuschia being the "HOT color." Remember... i bought that fuschia shirt in seattle... and way back when i bought a long lace cami in DC... intern trips really get you ahead of the game of STYLE. Gosh... just another great reason to be an intern. you know you want to. resist the temptation. all of you who are feeling that tingling feeling right about now...that's called the HOLY SPIRIT. Willfully resisting HIM is called blasphemy and according to the Bible it is the reason for apostasy... or going to H*%&. Hhhmmm... APOSTASY something else you can learn about in INTERNS. Just print out the application RIGHT NOW. Turn it in on Thursday or Sunday.... or any day Tues-Fri. No blasphemy allowed. Brown is the new black. Teal is the new pink... and i guess fuschia is the new teal.
By Charlotte Leanna, at 5:20 PM, June 27, 2005
Awesome Word tonight, Pastor Casey. I wrote about it on my xanga site that I have to connect with all my friends from Teen Mania. It was a powerful service tonight I truly believe that the Holy Spirit spoke specifically to every person there. Thank you for seeking God and being obedient to share what He wanted you to. I must go now and be about my Father's business. :o)
By Anonymous, at 11:15 PM, June 30, 2005
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