GC Blog

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I know it's Christmas eve, eve; but I want to say Merry Christmas and more importantly thanks! Pastor Paige and I are blessed to have the greatest youth church in the world. Over the last 10 months in GC we saw 125 1st time Salvations! I mean holy cow or Holy Spirit, God is Good! The total number of rededications (including the ones from Frontline @ Mt. Carmel) was 501! We saw 2 people totally healed including one person who had a brain tumor removed and went to work the day after the surgery. They told her she wouldn't be able to work ever again! HA! (That's us laughing at the devil thinking he's in control, when in reality GOD RULES!)

Honestly, this is not the work of two people, but the work of each and everyone of us at GC. Without you, we would have never had 190 at invite night a couple of weeks ago, there never would have been 125 salvations, without you...there would be no GC. Generation Church needs you now more than ever! As we take a week off and gear up for 2006, let's get some crazy, God-like faith and believe that God can double all of those statistics in the next year. Let's believe that we can and are changing this city. Let's believe that we will be the voice of our generation in SD and SoCal. Let's believe that together, us and God, nothing will be IMPOSSIBLE!

Have the Merriest Christmas ever! And tell everyone you see and meet to have the same. As the writer of Hebrews states in 6:1..."Let us go on to perfection..." in 2006. God bless you, we love you.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

GC Tomorrow NIGHT!


We are having GC tomorrow night at OAK VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL!

7 PM Be there or be... there.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What could be better?

What could be better than 15 salvations? What could be better than 190 kids showing up to radically pursue God? What could be better than joining together with other kids our age to worship with reckless abandon? What could be better than a church that actually encourages and supports this youth church? WHAT COULD BE BETTER?!

The only thing that could be better is the One who makes life possible. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One better than all those things because He makes all those "things" possible! What a great and awesome God we serve! What a loving and gracious Heavenly Father who ever lives to make intercession for us, who works out His perfect will in our life. We are blessed and not just because it's the Christmas season and we should be thankful. But because we are Christians and every single day of the year we are blessed and should go so far as to recognize that truth.

During this time it's easy to be thinking of ourselves and what we want for Christmas. In fact, it's all too easy. It's even easy to remember "those who are less fortunate" than we. It's even easy to spew Christian Christmas Cliches, "He's the reason for the season", and those are all true. But this Christmas have we asked God what He wanted?

What would God want? World peace? Money? A new heaven to dwell in, since He doesn't dwell in a house. An XBOX 360? A new car... I mean heavenly chariot cloud thing? The answer of course is no to all of those earthly desires (although maybe the chariot cloud thing). What I know God wants for Christmas is YOU! He wants to come to the Tree and find you there. His desire isn't for two front teeth, a new car, or a new anything...He Wants YOU.

So this Christmas, wrap yourself in His anointing, place yourself at the foot of the tree and instead of waiting for Santa to come down the chimney, wait for the King of Kings to find you and let yourself be the gift.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Super Invite NIght

I know, I know. I am posting another announcement disguised as a blog. But really this is important information!

GC will be meeting at Oak Valley Middle School this Thursday and the following Thursdays after! If you need a map and or directions visit www.gcsocal.org.

We have got a ton of stuff to giveaway as well as the Pastor Judah preaching it's going to be a great night. I hope that you will invite not just 1 or 2 friends but as many as will fit in your car (or your mom's). This is a night that will change your life forever. Pastor Judah is one of the premier youth speakers in the world today and it is a great priviledge to have him come and speak at GC. So don't miss out!

See you there!


Friday, December 02, 2005

"Another good reason to be an intern" and "what is wrong with these interns"

I though you might like these photos as much as I did.