GC Blog

Saturday, July 30, 2005

GC Camp

Camp starts tomorrow! Don't miss it for the WORLD. There's still time to sign up. Come to church on sunday, download the form online, do whatever it takes - camp is going to be crazy fun!

I am saving my rhema for sunday night, come and hear what God is calling you to!


Friday, July 22, 2005

Subduing the Earth

Last night as I was driving home I had the opportunity to subdue the Earth. More specifically, to subdue every creeping thing. I was driving home when my headlights saw something in the middle of the road ahead. They had shined upon a poor, twitching, helpless, rodent only seconds too late. Thud! That was it for poor Ralphie Roadkill, his empty, hairy life was over for eternity. What could I do really? I was driving 60-ish, it was late at night. Besides, I have a personal conviction that I will not try and put my life (or my passengers lives) in the path of danger to save an animal. I have determined to plow through them like a starving man plows through an all you can eat buffet. This, of course is mainly based on Gen. 1:28 that says we should subdue and have dominion. And also, because I deem the life of people more important than wildlife. That's why I eat steak and chicken and the occasional duck, when given the opportunity.

Roadkill, according to Webster's, is defined as something that is killed on the road by a motor vehicle. (In case you were wondering). Well, friends, Ralphie is dead and along with him are his dreams to be the greatest rodent ever. He life was ruined because of Darwin's great theory of Survival of the Fittest, aka my car vs. rodent. The thing is we should be "plowing" through the rodents of this life just as easily. We shouldn't be held back by a defeated, powerless satanic army. We should always be subduing and having dominion. My encouragement to you this weekend is to overcome, you can do it. Imagine yourself in an unstoppable vehicle (read the Church) and dispossessing the enemy to take back what is RIGHTFULLY yours.

"...I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This DAY the Lord will deliver you into my hand and...all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel." 1 Sam. 17:45, 46


Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Thing About Birthdays...

There are two kinds of people who exist on God's great creation: 1) the kind who tell you it's their birthday and 2) the kind that don't. I probably fall upon the latter ("the latter" being #1). Sometimes in life #2's drag us #1's into their category by getting mad at us that we didn't proclaim to the whole earth it was our birthday. They continually get mad at you for not parading around with an entourage of adoring birthday fans, or that you don't have on fake crowns (or tiaras) that say "birthday King" or "Birthday Diva". And then they have the audacity, nay the gall, to get in a huff when you didn't go out of your way to make sure they knew it was your birthday! "Uh! Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?!" They say. Or "You should've told me it was your birthday, I could've brought my b-day entourage and crown." What do you do, eh?

Well for those of you who don't know today, july 14th is Cody Turner's birthday and Shawn Pearson's birthday. (Although my sources tell me a certain person by the initials of SP is opting to go to "Fashion" Valley rather than GC! For shame!) If you see our able bodied production team master give him a grand ol' "hi-five" and say "Happy Birthday Dude! You should've told me!" Maybe, if you are so inclined, drop him a pentecostal handshake (a couple bux in the palm of your hand cleverly disguised as a handshake).

Happy Birthday fellas!

Beach Day is tomorrow starting at 2 pm! La Jolla Shores at one of the fire pits. Have a great French Independence Day (or Bastille Day for those who know)!


p.s. today is my birthday, too ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A land flowing with Horchata and ceramic batmans...

I am not exactly sure why ceramic batmans are made. But the person in the white mini van in front of me bought one. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, I will tell you. On Saturday, me, Marco and Scott went to Tecate, Mexico to minister to about 60 pastors kids and youth leaders. It was awesome! I shared a brief word on stepping into your destiny and then made a call to the kids who wanted to get prayed for, they ALL responded. The Holy Spirit fell and began to work through all of us as we prayed and prophesied over each of them. It doesn't matter where you go in the world, the Holy Spirit and Presence of God is the same. He's not limited by language or cultural barriers, once He manifests (making the invisible, visible) everyone knows it.
So it was a powerful service many lives were touched and the Holy Spirit was speaking to these young men and women. After we finished praying we worshiped and then went and had an enormous lunch, paella, salad, rolls, etc. It was a nice way to top off the day.

One of the funnest things about going to mexico aside from the afore mentioned items is the line to get across the border. I have always wondered if there was a surplus of "last supper" ceramic pieces. As we waited in line I must've seen at least ten vendors peddling their goods (or attempting to) to anyone who would look in their direction. I saw one guy frantically running back and forth to the white van mentioned earlier. It seems they had both won. The van got an enormous ceramic batman sculpture and the vendor had sold it (almost free, I am sure). Do you think there is a giant warehouse in mexico that manufactures all of those items? How many NFL sarapes can there be? (a sarape is blanket with a hole for your head to go thru) They did have some new items this time, a glass vase-like item that everyone was trying to sell, almost free for you. I love it. Marco (who's from TJ, currently lives at USD) got a diablito, little devil, a combination of lime and mango ice; then they pour a hot sauce with chili pepper and a tamarindo laden straw. I tried some, it wasn't bad except for the hot sauce and chili pepper! Some things do not go on flavored ice. Needless to say he regretted getting the diablito, or rather his stomach regretted it. A good time had by all.

Summer Interns starts on Tuesday. It's going to be so much fun. Also, beach day on Friday, the 15th. See you Thursday night!


Friday, July 01, 2005

Camp and "Tidal Waves"

Oh man. I went up to view the camp today. It is so awesome. The pool is sparkling and enormous, plenty of room to play water polo and basketball. The grassy field is enormous, we have already got so many good ideas for games. This year's camp will prove to be the best not just in the amenities of the campground, but the intensity of the presence of God, the word and worship that are going to come out will change your life forever!

Anyway, I cannot wait for camp! I was also thinking about tidal waves. Technically speaking, and I am no waterologist (or oceanographer) but aren't all waves "tidal" as in coming in from the tide. So what makes a "tidal wave" so ominous? It's just an overgrown wave, maybe we should call it a "big wave". That way we wouldn't get confused about "tidal waves" and if somebody yells "Tidal Wave!" we wouldn't all run screaming and in a great panic ala war of the worlds. We would just say, "hey, pal. All the waves are tidal. So sit down and enjoy the beach."

The 4th of July is on Monday. FYI.
