GC Blog

Saturday, July 30, 2005

GC Camp

Camp starts tomorrow! Don't miss it for the WORLD. There's still time to sign up. Come to church on sunday, download the form online, do whatever it takes - camp is going to be crazy fun!

I am saving my rhema for sunday night, come and hear what God is calling you to!



  • don't miss it for the WORLD...? Was that some semi-subtle jab towards ME...? :)

    Excited about camp. Wish I could be there. Praying for you guys. I agree with Al, it really will be off the heezy.

    Will somebody send me the tapes?

    By Blogger Emilie, at 4:40 PM, July 30, 2005  

  • This camp is going to bring boldness, unity, growth, intimacy, transformation, deliverance, enduring passion, and so much more to these youth...I'm excited to see how the Holy Spirit moves...

    By Blogger joy, at 10:51 PM, July 30, 2005  

  • Man! I wish I was going to be there!!! I miss and love you, SD!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:36 PM, July 31, 2005  

  • noah,
    SD misses and loves you too.

    your mom is in this song.

    By Blogger Al, at 10:01 AM, August 03, 2005  

  • woohoo!

    By Blogger Charlotte Leanna, at 2:21 PM, August 06, 2005  

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