GC Blog

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

We never saw anything like this (or we have seen strange things today!)

Tonight we are standing on the precipice of something never been done in The City Church and GC. Tonight we are going to UCSD to put on a our first of many GCs on UCSD. It is going to be an amazing time of worship and preaching, as well as a powerful altar time. As I was reading the Bible, Mark 2:12 leapt off the page and the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about this service in particular. That verse says, "Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, 'We never saw ANYTHING like this!'"

Now, to be fair, many campus ministries are doing an excellent job of reaching students and the harvest has been plentiful. But as the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about this, I just got more stirred up and the vision began to increase. It has come to the point that I can barely contain myself, I cannot WAIT to see what God is going to do tonight! It is going to be powerful and supernatural, something we have not seen yet.

And if that's not enough tomorrow night at GC is going to be just as crazy and anointed! The lobby will be in full effect, we have more Metromint Water and some new water as well. Worship is going to be phenomenal and the word is going to be refined and faith-building. I can't wait for tonight or tomorrow.

Now is the perfect time to get involved in any area in GC, if you haven't joined a cell. Just DO IT! It's a great time to bring your friends and it's time to take our generation back!

Can't wait to see you at one of our services this week!



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