GC Blog

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Good to Great

That's actually the title of a book I am reading right now. But it's also something that has been on my heart for the last 6 months or so. It is a question, I believe, the Holy Spirit is posing to all of Generation Church. Do you want to be good? Or do you want to be great? Hence, the theme for camp was Elev8. Hence, we have talked about cleansing ourselves from the overflow of wickedness. Hence, we are talking about true submission (not being a hater). And in the very near future we will talk about the Fear of the Lord.

All of the aforementioned ideas and thoughts and scriptures are juxtaposed on the question of greatness. We are a good youth church right now. But to get to 250 by the end of the year and to do all that God has called ALL of US to do. It is going to take a level of greatness. We are by necessity going to go up higher and be the benchmark for all of SoCal. We will be the standard, not just standard. We are not going to be good, we are destined (and going to be) GREAT!

If you agree with those thoughts and the direction GC is going, then I would encourage you to take your dedication to another level. Come, and be on time, for GC prayer at 6:30 every Thursday night. Join a G.O. Cell group and bring your friends. Come to prayer and church on Saturday night and Sunday morning, respectively. It is in HIS Presence that we will achieve greatness and we will have the fullness of joy, as well as all the strength/ energy needed to accomplish His vision for our region!

It is time for us to GO UP HIGHER!



  • amen. good word. i'm with ya 200%

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:10 AM, August 25, 2005  

  • ditto to what JOY said. greatness will be ours. let's keep interceding, cutting down high places of compromise and ascending the hill!
    i'm ready for a lifetime of hiking!

    By Blogger Charlotte Leanna, at 10:38 AM, August 25, 2005  

  • i love you! i love you! i love you, jesus.
    you are so nice to me! so nice to me, jesus.

    im so greatful! so greatful, jesus.
    you saved me! you saved me, jesus.

    i wrote this song and i was hoping we could sing this on a thursday, how could i get more involved in the praise team? i have a lot of songs just like this and some even better.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:55 PM, August 30, 2005  

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