GC Blog

Friday, August 12, 2005

The answers to neat things

Neat. That's a funny word. On one hand it means to keep things tidy and in order. On the other hand it can used as an expression to replace "wow!" or "sweet" or "lucky". (although anyone who uses "neat" in that sense is usually older and wears cartigans and/ or polyester clothing of any type)

So what? So, somebody had asked me why I never leave comments on others blog sites. This is unfounded since I have left numerous comments on emilie schneider's blog. However, the main reason I don't is that I can never find your blog. If your address is: http://www.myspace.com/weirdoblogsite/1234256/~2sfnvg./cali_surfer_prayerhead0235, chances are I won't find your blog to leave a comment on. Not that I don't want to.

That (the afore mentioned URL) would be the opposite of neat. In both senses of the word. It is neither tidy nor "sweet" or "lucky".

Well, don't get mad. Just because you have that address doesn't mean anything bad.

Don't be a hater, be a player.



  • sweet...

    By Blogger Ben, at 2:35 PM, August 12, 2005  

  • pastor casey... you're funny. my blog is definitely www.weird123908kjfnvodihgknvo;ir.blogspot.com..... i didnt think that i was really gonna have a blog. i just made one so i could comment on the GC one... and now i have one for real and cant change my URL. sucks.

    By Blogger Charlotte Leanna, at 2:01 PM, August 13, 2005  

  • mr. pastor,
    I wanted to thank you for spelling my name correctly on your current post. That means more to me than all the gelati (or nuns) in Rome. Only 1 in 4.3 thousand Americans can spell "Schneider" correctly (and that is proven). Just another reason why it is obvious you are called and appointed by God to be Pastor of Generation Church.

    Also, I also wanted to note that your comments and the comments of one so-called "papa schneider" are some of the best comments the Emilie blog has received.

    Thirdly, I was thinking as I wandered around Vatican City yesterday (which is actually its own COUNTRY, of 470 people..er, men rather... and is separate from Italy)... why couldn't we start Generation City? I mean really... it could be like Acts 2, where everyone has everything in common... and instead of wearing habits, we can all wear those trendy GC caps (or, on Sundays, swimming caps). As pope, er, pastor of generation city, what do you think?

    By Blogger Emilie, at 6:17 AM, August 14, 2005  

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